Members Galleries

 Some of our members maintain their own web sites and galleries. Click on the images to visit their own sites.

If you are a member and wish to have your own gallery listed here, visit this page.

Peter Löffler

Born and raised in Germany, I moved to Brussels in the late 1990s to work for the EU. 

Having shot many rolls of film during my teenage years, I rediscovered the fun of photography when the first serious digital cameras came on the market. Today, I rarely leave home without a camera, taking pictures whenever the opportunity arises. Urban, street and landscape photography are amongst my favourites, and I love captivating, intriguing pictures that tell a story. Whilst I still feel more comfortable with black & white, I increasingly also venture into colour photography.

Diego Naranjo

I started photography late in life. Even though I always had a camera with me (even in pre-smartphone times) I hesitated to give a step forward and buying a good camera because of the size, price and weight of reflex cameras. With the pandemic going on I thought it was a good moment to try out photography seriously. I knew that cameras had evolved but I was not aware of mirrorless cameras (especially Fujifilm X system). I bought a second hand Fujix X-T20 and 23mm , 35mm and 50mm lenses (35mm, 50mm and 75mm equivalent in full frame terms) and I am exploring my surroundings and myself with this new medium that I love. 

Adrian Cornwell

I have been living in Brussels since 1994 but only started getting seriously into photography in 2015.

My photography is primarily of Brussels and abstract work using a variety of techniques in an attempt to capture the mood rather than the actuality of the image subjects.




Hi, I’m Caetano, I come from the beautiful Azores islands (in Portugal) and am currently based in Brussels. My love for photography started when my parents offered me a disposable camera for a family trip when I was 10 (I didn’t know much about photography yet, but the eye was already there! )

I shoot portrait, body, fashion, lifestyle, corporate branding and events, professionally. I love shooting people and will always make my work around them, their emotions and the uniqueness that each person brings to a photograph! I truly believe that photography can help boost people’s self-esteem and I want to make their special moments last forever! 

Karina Robin

As a photographer’s daughter my passion for visual art is apparently in my genes. Loving nature and animals, my preferred genre is wildlife photography. And my happy place is anywhere in (southern) Africa, as long as it’s deep in the bush. I love how photography taught me to patiently observe my surroundings and admire the beauty of nature.

I use my photographic work to support wildlife conservation projects and donate any funds generated from the sales of my images to a list of carefully curated projects.

Follow me on Instagram.

Miguel Angel Vilar

Living in different countries over the years has shaped who I am and gives me a different perspective when looking at my surroundings. 

My photography is always evolving and not limited by a particular genre. I'm attracted to geometry, textures, minimalism, decay, high contrast. 

I am also a producer of electronic and experimental music, soundscapes as Symmetry Reflection. Both disciplines are an inspiration into each other, reflecting chaos and order, symmetry and asymmetry, minimalism, tonalities. 

Richard Sylvester

Living in Belgium since 1974, the purchase of a Fuji mirrorless camera in 2013 ignited my current passion for photography. I enjoy most types of photography, but my main interest is macro and closeup photography, especially of minerals and gemstones.

With macro photography, you can bring out amazing details that aren’t always visible to the naked eye. It is very challenging, especially due to the very small depth of field, but the rewards can be worth it. 

Never stop learning and never stop seeking the light.

Paula Cagli

Have you ever spied Michelangelo’s cupola through the columns on the square and imagined that you were the only one at St. Peter’s or felt the mystery of the basilica as you groped your way through the evening shadows at vespers? That’s my kind of photography: intense, intriguing and saturated with emotion.  

For more about me and my art historical photography, please visit me on YouTube and Facebook  while I renew my personal website.  

Philippe Clabots

I’ve always been attracted by photography but my passion started in 2007-2008.

Self-taught, I was formed thanks to readings, Facebook groups, perseverance, the will to improve myself and thousands of photos. Initially centred on opportunistic photography, depending on my daily life or my travels, I am moving more and more towards coherent sequences of images with the aim of telling a story, transmitting an emotion or bearing witness to a moment in life. I'm also a founding member of the collective "Bruxelles Pixels".

Sebastian Boatca

 Adventurous photographer and mentality challenging blogger,  based in Brussels- travel, landscape, street and portrait with Fujifilm cameras and legacy manual focus lenses. 

Forever looking for the sense and sources of inspiration in photography. 

Hélène Cook 

Interesting scenes and beauty can be found everywhere, starting in Brussels. Finding the right frame and balance for a photograph gives a sense of meaning to the world and brings peace to the mind.

I like perspectives, symmetry, contrasts and reflections, street scenes, capturing portraits in concerts, and bringing life to beautiful landscapes and to impressive buildings.

Alun Foster

A long-time resident of Brussels, I have been involved in photography since childhood, working as a freelance photographer for a while, too. Retired, I still do freelance work on request.

As president of “Viewfinders”, I promote social integration and understanding through a shared love of photography.

Ewa Iwicka

The Viewfinders club must sadly announce that Ewa passed away in autumn 2020. We leave her gallery here as a commemoration of her invaluable contribution to our club, for which we are eternally grateful.

I come originally from Poland but live about 20 years in Belgium, near Antwerp and work in Brussels. I’m a serious amateur photographer, trying to combine my passion with my day job.  My photographic interests include everything around that I find noteworthy, I’m looking for it in the nearest surroundings and during my travels.

I believe in what Henry David Thoreau said: “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”