Image by Gianluca Pagnini

Next meeting will be Wednesday, 18  September, 2024 at 20:00

Have a great summer and let's meet back in September !

The committee is already working on a full agenda for next season, with more guest speakers, new challenges, projects and photowalks. 

Send ideas for activities using our Contact Us or Feedback forms. 

For a preview of the new dates and some confirmed guest speakers, check the Calendar page.

May-June 2024.pdf

Recent News

New dates for season 2024-2025. See Calendar.

New photo albums from this season's Projects and Challenges have been added on the website.

We have published the Viewfinders edition number 303. See it here.

Photowalk at the 8th annual BXL Tour on Sunday, June 16th (Bloomsday)!

Photowalk – 20km of Brussels: May 26, 2024.

Viewfinders and RPS-Benelux photo walks in Brussels, 18-20 May 2024.

We have published the Viewfinders edition number 302. See it here.

New web page published with details of the recent Minimal exhibition. Go here.

Photowalk to the Botanique Garden organized for mid-March. 

Viewfinders featured on Bruzz TV. Link in the Home page.

Worshop on ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) by Charlotte Bellamy coming on April. 

Photowalk to Brussels Bright Festival was organized on Friday 15 Feb.

Exhibition "Minimal" at BWC held from 14 January until February 9.

June 2024

Meeting started with our AGM, where we reviewed the activities of the season and a new committee was approved, including the appointment of a new president. 

We devoted the second part of the meeting to the presentation of photos from the “Street Photography” project and also other personal projects presented by club members. 

The street photos were taken in a number of different countries including Japan, China, the Philippines, India, The Netherlands, Portugal, and the USA and featured the use of a number of different shooting styles and techniques including slow shutter speeds, in camera movement, multiple exposures, and reflections. The colorful Japanese night life photos were particularly impressive. 

In personal projects, we were treated to Kenyan safari photos, colorful sunrise photos, and more beautiful colorful night photos from Japan.

Richard Sylvester

© Miguel Angel Vilar
© Alex Coxall
© Cedric Popa
© Hélène Cook 
© Annette Boon
© Jason Kravitz
© Trevor Simpson
© Damiano  Rinauro
© Maurice Jaccard
© Teija Hamalainen 
© Omar Havana

May 2024

We viewed and discuss the photos that members submitted for the “Photo to Edit” project, our yearly photo interpretation and post-processing exercise. Eleven members presented their edits of the two photos that had been previously provided for this exercise, a Chinese bride and a Copenhagen street.

The resulting photos showed a wide range of interpretations based on cropping, composition, selective modification of  the colours, conversion to black and white, and the use of monochrome or high key. 

The main event of the evening was our external speaker, Omar Havana, a Spanish freelance photojournalist based in Brussels. Omar has worked as a professional photojournalist since 2005. Starting in 2009, photography and photojournalism have been his full-time job. Represented by Getty Images, his photos have been published in thousands of publications around the world.  From the beginning of his career, Omar has focused on working with humanitarian organizations across the world. He has covered stories in many different countries in Europe and southeast Asia, along with Tunisia, Egypt and Nepal.

The subject of Omar’s presentation was the 2015 earthquake in Nepal and photos from his book Endurance.  Living in Nepal at the time of the earthquake, Omar presented a very moving and emotional account of his life as a photo-journalist in Nepal after the quake, having to deal with the devastation and misery in the country, his difficulties in coping with the situation, but given strength by the smiles of the survivors, especially those of the children.

For more information on Omar, his very impressive work, and tributes to his book Endurance, see his website .

Richard Sylvester

Viewfinders was featured on BRUZZ TV !!

You can view the original article in BRUZZ TV here.

“Minimal photography”, like painting and music from the shared artistic movement of the 1950s and 60s, seeks to show essential subjects, principles or processes by removing unnecessary distraction from the message to let that one primary motif shine through.

Even while the photographic frame is a very limited fragment of the world, we can limit it even further by deliberately choosing to show less. When it is less, when it is nothing more than that one subject or notion, then the message of the photograph can be crystal clear. No distractions, no confusions, no other elements that might distort the message – just one notion, presented there as a constant feature for us to contemplate and enjoy.

Sixteen photographers from Viewfinders Photography Club of Brussels, collectively present their vision on minimal photography.

COLLECTIVE: Largest exhibition organized by the club. 

 Visit the exhibition's page for more information and

Take a 3D virtual tour  !

“Collective” offers participants and visitors an opportunity to explore the full range of the photographic art and what it can mean in our society today. Each of the 38 artists – members of Viewfinders - chooses their own theme and style, yielding an extensive view of the photographic medium, from expressing an artistic intent to documenting the world around us. This showcase of the creativity and skill of the members highlights the beauty and power of photographs.


13 photographers bring you their personal view on something we all have too little of…

A photograph can capture a fleeting 1/100th of a second, recording our observable world for art or for posterity, nailing down an instant: all motion frozen, emotions seized to assure future joy. Or with skill, we can bend time to creative advantage, bringing new perspectives and motion to life within the confines of our image.

See Calendar page for the new dates for season 2024-2025

Follow here other upcoming activities and monthly meetings organized  by the club. Many are for members only. 

If you would like to know more about joining the club or a particular activity contact us.

We want  to hear from you !

If you've attended one of our monthly meetings recently, we would like your feedback.