ICM Workshop
A Full Day Workshop Exploring the creative techniques of ICM and multiple exposure, by Charlotte Bellamy
LOCATION: Rouge Cloître / Rood Klooster and Tervuren arboretum near Brussels
DATE: Thursday 18th April 2024
DURATION: 1 day, Meeting at 10am, to finish around 4pm
PRICE: €150 per person, paid to the Viewfinders account BE13 3101 2440 7539 mentioning "Bellamy Workshop" in the message field.
Please register using the form on this page.
Maximum of 6 participants! Places will be attributed on a first-come-first-served basis. The first six persons to sign-up with the registration form will be asked to pay the participation fee of € 150 to the Viewfinders account (BE13 3101 2440 7539) as soon as possible (‘first six’ being based on the time-stamp of your registration). All registrations will be kept on file in case of non-payment or cancellation, such that the next ones on the list may be invited and pay the enrolment fee to join the workshop. Cancellations up to 2 days before the event will be refunded 100%, but please, inform us as early as possible so that another registered person has the opportunity to take your place. No-shows are not refundable.
The workshop is open for paid-up Viewfinders members only (subscription paid on or before the moment of payment of the workshop fee).
Charlotte's description of the workshop:
"This day has been organised especially for the members of the Viewfinders Photography Club of Brussels. I will be judging at the club meeting on the 17th, and thought it would be lovely to combine this with the chance to offer a day of training for the club members. In liaison with Joaquim I have decided to offer the workshop at Rouge Cloître / Rood Klooster and Tervuren arboretum. These two woodland locations will offer many opportunities to explore the technique of ICM photography, and multiple exposure if you wish to take it a step further.
This day is suitable for you regardless of ICM knowledge. I will take the day step by step with guided exercises to challenge and encourage exploration of the techniques if you would like to develop your learning. But if you prefer just to enjoy the location with my support when you need it, that is also possible.
During the workshop I will offer you the opportunity to explore both the creative technique of both ICM Photography and how ICM can be combined with multiple exposures to create images that develop in complexity and creativity. Throughout the day, you will be guided through the techniques and encouraged to develop a way of seeing that will encourage creativity. My aim is for you not only to be able to create ICM and multiple exposure images but also to understand how you can continue to work in this style once you leave the workshop.
Please note that in regard to the multiple exposures learning, I will be teaching concepts you can use in camera or phone and also with bringing images together in post-production.
Group sizes are kept to a maximum of six to ensure lots of 1:1 time with each participant. If you are a complete beginner, I suggest you watch a couple of my YouTube videos so that you have the basics of understanding before the workshop.
Requirements: Camera with adjustable shutter speed and ISO with the option to work in manual mode. ND (neutral density) filters are also useful if you have them. A tripod is optional. Clothing suitable to the weather.
Workshops go ahead unless the rain is so hard it makes photography impossible.
Extra info – please note that the workshop will start at the first location. Transport to the workshop is not included. For lunch we will plan to find somewhere suitable between the two locations, again, this is not included in the workshop cost.
If you would like to see some images I have made in the woodlands with ICM, please take a look at my website: