
This tool is available for members to upload image files for various purposes such as Challenge, Projects, Newsletter publications, Portfolio presentations, Exhibitions, ...

Please note we have added an extra step to verify you are a member of the club before you upload images. 

When asked, enter the email address that you are registered with the club.

Please ensure the following guidelines are observed before you upload any files! For some particular purposes, like Challenges or exhibitions, other rules must be followed, which members will receive by email. 

Click icon to upload

By submitting files, users declare that they own all rights on all the images they upload and give Viewfinders’ committee permission to publish the image solely for the purposes of club promotion (e.g. in the newsletter, in promotional announcements or on the club web-site gallery or social media channels). Viewfinders club will never knowingly allow participant’s images to be used for any other purpose without first contacting the author.


For more detailed information in each of these guidelines, or how to achieve them, please continue reading below.

This uploader service is available only to paid-up club members. Before uploading the images, you will be asked to enter the email address that you used to register with the club. 

If you have a problem with the uploader,  please Contact Us to request assistance.